Grace Higley - Life Lesson Awards Honorees - 2024

Grace Higley, daughter of Andy and Jenny Higley, is one of the individuals from Ludington High School
selected to receive the 2024 Mason County Sports Hall of Fame Life Lessons Award. Grace has chosen
West Shore Family Support as her charity to receive a donation in her honor. Grace is currently ranked
fifth in her class with a grade point average of 4.170 while participating in a rigorous course load
including AP Calculus, AP Computer Science Principles, AP Language and Composition, and AP US
History. Grace excelled in swimming, basketball sideline cheerleading and on the tennis courts during
her time as a Ludington Oriole. Grace was named conference champion in One Doubles for the 2024
spring tennis season, helping the Orioles capture the team conference crown. Grace was
All-Conference in tennis for three years and participated in the State Finals in both 2022 and
2023. Grace was named Academic All-State in swimming during her senior campaign and was the
captain of the swim team during her junior and senior seasons and captain of the tennis team in her
senior year. Outside of athletics, Grace is a member of the National Honor Society, serving as the
secretary of NHS during her senior year. Grace also served on the student council and was a class officer
during all four years of high school. Grace also participates in her church’s youth group and works at
Cluck Bucket. After high school, Grace will attend West Shore Community College to earn an Associate’s
Degree in Nursing then will matriculate to Ferris State University to earn a Bachelor of Science in
Nursing. Upon completion of her education, Grace hopes to be a nurse specializing in either labor and
delivery or serving in the NICU. Grace was selected as the recipient of the Life Lessons Award
for her leadership, teamwork, and respect.