Theresa (Knizacky) Shoop - MCSHOF Inductee - 2024

Theresa (Knizacky) Shoop is a 1985 Free Soil graduate who excelled in volleyball, basketball and track and field. Shoop led the Pirates to a final four trip in volleyball her senior year and was second team all-state, scored 1,326 career points in basketball, fifth in the county, selected honorable mention all-state, and placed fourth in the shot put at the state track meet her senior year.
Shoop played one year of volleyball at Aquinas College and ran three years of track and field. She was co-captain of the 1989-90 track team and was a three-time conference qualifier in shot put and javelin. Shoop held the Aquinas College record in the javelin throw at 124 feet, 10 inches from 1989 - 2023.
Shoop has coached for 25 years plus at Ludington. She was selected 2016 Coach of the Year in the Lakes 8 Conference and led the Oriole volleyball team to the quarterfinals in 1996-97. She has been a volleyball registered official since 2019 and has officiated at the district and regional level and in 2022 was selected to line judge at the MHSAA volleyball state finals.